Our Association seeks to promote and uphold the National Values and Principles of Good Governance as set out in Article 10 of the Constitution, since they are core to good governance and nationhood. These national values and principles are cited as patriotism, national unity, sharing of devolution power, the rule of law, democracy and participation of the people, human dignity, equity, social justice and inclusiveness among others. Good governance, integrity, transparency and accountability are core to these values. For us as an Association, good leadership must be built on these values.
Another key area of focus is the health insurance scheme for the members. Our Association has partnered with NHIF to roll out a Comprehensive Medical Insurance Cover for our members but our vision is to see this model replicated by different groups and Associations in the country. This will be realized through creating awareness and mobilizing groups such as Boda Association, Matatu Saccos, Women and Youth groups among others. Access to affordable and quality health remains a fundamental human right and as such, we urge all Kenyans to become part of this movement.
We are committed to a dignified life after Parliament for all our members by having a continuous engagement that will impact positively in our country and beyond. This will be realized through continued nurturing of skills and talents in advancing certain key areas such as free and fair elections, legislative agenda, good governance, national cohesion and advancing the devolution concept. Free and fair elections remain a big challenge from the party politics to national level. This situation has been compounded by the fact that our political parties lack ideologies and are ethnically driven. We have witnessed in the past electoral periods, many parties emerging only to remain dormant soon after the elections have been held. We need to rethink these party politics ideologies if we have to grow our democracy like other jurisdictions.
If we can address ourselves to National Cohesion and Integration and drive this agenda to the required nationhood, we will have achieved a lot. The “Golden handshake” between H.E President Uhuru and Former Prime Minister H.E Raila Odinga is just an example of what cohesion can do. This handshake should be cascaded into Law to create opportunities for a more inclusive and cohesive Government. FOPA has a countrywide presence and is ready and willing to lead in this agenda.
Finally, this Association shall work with democratically elected Government of the day both at the National and County level and we remain committed to offering our services whenever such services will be required. It is our wish to continuously engage all our members so that they remain active in their life after parliament like it happens in other jurisdictions like USA and European Union.