
To build a strong and all inclusive association for former Members of Parliament who include Senators, EALA MPs, Women Reps and Governors by tapping into their knowledge, skills and experience to enhance leadership in Kenya and beyond.


We are committed to providing an interactive forum to push for dialogue and public debate on matters of governance, leadership, national cohesion, integration and peace building, and promotion of National Values as stipulated in Article 10 of the Constitution.


  1. To Share and utilize cumulative knowledge, talents and skills of former Members of Parliament through a non-partisan approach.
  2. To encourage an all-inclusive agenda on National Cohesion Integration and Peace Building towards “one nation, one people, one destiny”
  3. To promote and strengthen the image of Parliament as an alumni of this institution.
  4. To promote social justice and democracy in the country

Core Values

  1. Adopt a non-partisan approach on all our issues
  2. Accountability, transparency and integrity as our guiding governance principle
  3. Teamwork, inclusivity and a collaborative approach on all our matters
  4. Patriotism, respect for rule of law, equity and social justice for all

Our Key Priority Areas

  • Collaborative forums for good Leadership, National Cohesion and Integration.
  • Conduct civic education forums on free and fair elections and devolution.
  • Continue nurturing leadership among our members
  • Help to strengthen legislative agenda at the National and County level.
  • Welfare programs for our members through Sacco and other engagements.
  • Collaborative partnership with the government and other like-minded institutions and agencies.
  • Building linkages with similar institutions regionally and globally.
  • Universal and affordable healthcare for Kenyans.
  • Environmental conservation and sustainability.